Student Support staff member sat opposite a student

Achievement and Success Centre

Hartpury’s Achievement and Success Centre aims to boost achievement and students’ chances of securing their dream job. Within the Centre we focus on three key areas: Academic Support, Learning Support and Wellbeing Support.

Our bespoke range of workshops have been designed with the aim of increasing students’ skills, confidence and academic performance as well as their chances of getting their dream job and succeeding in the workplace when they graduate. The suite of 24 workshops cover topics such as Academic Writing, Critical Evaluation, Core University Skills, Presenting Skills and Data and Research.

Students have the opportunity to choose which sessions they go to, tailoring the programme to suit their own needs and ambitions and to address any gaps in their skills. The Achievement and Success Centre offers 1:1 appointments and group sessions on every skill students need to succeed and helps them to create and deliver an individual plan to improve themselves, both academically and in their personal development.

The Achievement and Success Centre team have a proven track record of making a huge difference to student’s marks. They know what it takes to succeed here at Hartpury and they also know that any student can learn those skills with the right support. Students that attended workshops around strategies to boost their performance in exams scored 21% higher than those that did not attend the workshops. Students attending workshops relating to academic skills also found their marks boosted. Those that attended three sessions achieved, on average, 19% higher marks than those not choosing to access this additional support (The ASC programme, 2016).

At Hartpury, we take pride in the outstanding level of support we can offer all of our students with a range of disabilities. We are committed to responding to individual learning support and / or disability needs and have resources available to ensure that all prospective students have access to individual guidance and advice.

We can offer learning support to those students with a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, a physical or sensory impairment, medical condition or another specific difficulty such as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder.

We also know how important it is to have the right support in place as early as possible so our Disability Advisers support students in making applications for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) and help them to collect the evidence required.

Making a DSA claim is necessary to secure funding in order to finance support such as study skills tuition, ICT equipment and software, as well as medical support equipment.

Click here to download information on what to do to access ASC Learning Support (SFE).

For further support in any of these areas please contact us on for more information.

We have seen a welcome upward trend here at Hartpury in the number of adults returning to education. Some of our mature students are seeking a career change, wanting to turn their dream of working in sport, with animals or on the land into reality. Others are working in the industry, but are looking to enhance their knowledge and skills. Many more just want to expand their knowledge and have fun at university.

If you’re worried that your study skills are a little rusty, then please don’t be. Study skills workshops are incorporated into all degree programmes. Studying for a degree is very different and we find that our students who arrive straight out of school or college need this help and support just as much as our mature students.

You will also be assigned an academic tutor as soon as you arrive at Hartpury who is there to provide you with all the support and encouragement you need to ensure you reach your academic goals.

Academic Support

Our bespoke range of workshops have been designed with the aim of increasing students’ skills, confidence and academic performance as well as their chances of getting their dream job and succeeding in the workplace when they graduate. The suite of 24 workshops cover topics such as Academic Writing, Critical Evaluation, Core University Skills, Presenting Skills and Data and Research.

Students have the opportunity to choose which sessions they go to, tailoring the programme to suit their own needs and ambitions and to address any gaps in their skills. The Achievement and Success Centre offers 1:1 appointments and group sessions on every skill students need to succeed and helps them to create and deliver an individual plan to improve themselves, both academically and in their personal development.

The Achievement and Success Centre team have a proven track record of making a huge difference to student’s marks. They know what it takes to succeed here at Hartpury and they also know that any student can learn those skills with the right support. Students that attended workshops around strategies to boost their performance in exams scored 21% higher than those that did not attend the workshops. Students attending workshops relating to academic skills also found their marks boosted. Those that attended three sessions achieved, on average, 19% higher marks than those not choosing to access this additional support (The ASC programme, 2016).

Learning Support

At Hartpury, we take pride in the outstanding level of support we can offer all of our students with a range of disabilities. We are committed to responding to individual learning support and / or disability needs and have resources available to ensure that all prospective students have access to individual guidance and advice.

We can offer learning support to those students with a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, a physical or sensory impairment, medical condition or another specific difficulty such as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder.

We also know how important it is to have the right support in place as early as possible so our Disability Advisers support students in making applications for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) and help them to collect the evidence required.

Making a DSA claim is necessary to secure funding in order to finance support such as study skills tuition, ICT equipment and software, as well as medical support equipment.

Click here to download information on what to do to access ASC Learning Support (SFE).

For further support in any of these areas please contact us on for more information.

Mature students

We have seen a welcome upward trend here at Hartpury in the number of adults returning to education. Some of our mature students are seeking a career change, wanting to turn their dream of working in sport, with animals or on the land into reality. Others are working in the industry, but are looking to enhance their knowledge and skills. Many more just want to expand their knowledge and have fun at university.

If you’re worried that your study skills are a little rusty, then please don’t be. Study skills workshops are incorporated into all degree programmes. Studying for a degree is very different and we find that our students who arrive straight out of school or college need this help and support just as much as our mature students.

You will also be assigned an academic tutor as soon as you arrive at Hartpury who is there to provide you with all the support and encouragement you need to ensure you reach your academic goals.

Dee So'oialo
“I wouldn’t have completed my degree, or set up my business as effectively, without all the support from Hartpury's ASC team. After being diagnosed with dyslexia, I had plenty of support to help me understand how I learn. It was life-changing.”
Dee So'oialo
BSc (Hons) Equestrian Sports Science
Three Students Walking Therapy dog Ralph

ASC Wellness Development

Looking after our students’ wellbeing at Hartpury is at the core of our values. Whether you’re feeling anxious about walking into lectures, worried about exam revision, feeling overwhelmed or going through difficult personal challenges. We offer a friendly safe space for students to talk about anything worrying them on a 1:1 basis. Support can be provided face-to-face, over the phone or via email. Where appropriate, we will refer students to the support service that best suit their needs.

Student life

Three female students on Campus

Support and Wellbeing

Students Sat On Steps Outside Hartpury House

Innovation, Careers and Enterprise Centre

Student Support Team One Student