Tessa Hughes

Student blog

BSc Applied Animal Science with Therapy student blog

Tessa Hughes

Hello, my name is Tessa Hughes and I’m in my second year studying BSc Applied Animal Science with Therapy at Hartpury University.

Everyone is so passionate

I love the community feel. As a small specialist university, everyone is very passionate about their subjects, students and lecturers. The on-site animal facilities and commercial therapy centres really compliment the degree.

I chose this degree because animals have always been a passion of mine. The therapy side of the degree really appealed to me and I wanted to learn more about it.

About my degree

I have a couple of lectures a week, as well as practicals to put what we have learnt in the classroom into practise. In my Animal Health and Disease module, I have a seminar, lecture and a practical session, which allows us to learn in different ways and develop different skills.

My favourite modules have been the therapy modules in the beginning of my 2nd year. This has allowed me to develop lots of knowledge within the therapy industry and has allowed me to think about the many therapy options and routes you could take.

Practicals enhance the learning

The Applied Animal Science with Therapy degree is helping me to gain practical experience as well as theory-based knowledge. It’s enhancing my learning and ensuring I’m prepared for work placements experience within the industry.

For instance, in my Health and Disease module we learn lab skills and apply the theory in a real-world setting. We also have the opportunity to join animal activities in the on-site animal collection, to learn handling and health and safety skills within the animal industry.

I’ve developed important industry-based skills from taking part in work experience in the canine and equine therapy centres on site, which is a great part of being at Hartpury.

In the Equine Therapy Centre, I lead the horses on the high-speed treadmill, which was a great experience. In the Cotswolds Dogs Spa, I washed the dogs before and after the pool or underwater treadmill, rewarded them with treats while on the treadmill, and engaged with their owners.

My future plan

When I graduate, I would like to go onto complete a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy. The modules I’m studying allow me to have conversations and learn about potential careers for the future, such as opportunities in the animal therapy industry.

Hartpury is helping me prepare by allowing me to gain theory-based knowledge, as well as practical and industry skills. This is something I’ll need to progress onto Master’s in Physiotherapy. I hope to practise therapy on animals and learn a variety of different therapies throughout my future.

My experience has been great

The Students’ Union organised a brilliant Freshers’ Week when I arrived. This was really important for me in my first few weeks of beginning my degree. It allowed me to make friends that I would be with for the next three years, as well as for life!

Hartpury’s campus is wonderful and there is always something to do, whether it be go for a stroll, or studying or relaxing in the uni study lounge or Red & Black café on campus.

My experience has been great so far and the facilities at Hartpury are excellent. Hartpury has a great community and it is definitely a wonderful place to do an animal degree.

Hear from Tess

Listen to our podcast with Tess to hear what it’s like to study BSc Applied Animal Science with Therapy at Hartpury University. Find out how the extra experience she’s gaining in our on-site therapy centres is enhancing the theory, to prepare her for a future career in animal therapy.

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