Sports Pitches Aerial 2

Our leadership team

Developing a high performing organisation that develops and is guided by strong and effective leaders with the vision and energy to deliver our strategic aims is key to our over-riding priority – to support our students to be the best they can become.

Our leadership team is charged with delivering our 2025 Strategy and ensuring that Hartpury University and Hartpury College is equipped to meet future challenges and makes the most of every opportunity.

Its responsibilities cover everything from curriculum development and academic standards to pastoral care and support, finance, marketing, facilities and staff development.

Meet the team

Professor Andy Collop

Vice-Chancellor, Principal and CEO

Andy Collop 2

Rosie Scott-Ward

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Hartpury University

Rosie Scott Ward 1

Lynn Forrester-Walker

Chief Operating Officer

Lynn Forrester Walker

Claire Whitworth

Deputy Principal, Further Education

Claire Whitworth 4

Lesley Worsfold

Deputy Principal - Resources, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Lesley Worsfold 1

Tom Radcliffe

Director of Elite Sport

Tom Radcliffe 3

John Perry

Director of Facilities

John Perry 3

Jessica Taylor

Director of Marketing, Communications, Admissions

Jess Taylor 1

Nicola Potter

Director of Continuous Improvement (CI)

Nikki Potter 3